Friday, January 28, 2011


Apples in a Crystal Bowl
(powdered charcoal, 9 x 12 inches)

My daily drawings brought me back to exploring charcoal. This drawing was done entirely with  powdered charcoal and working into it with cue tips, paper towel and a kneaded eraser. The process felt very much like painting rather than drawing. the darkest darks were applied by dipping a paper towel in the powder and then touching it to the drawing.

I looked in one of my drawing books and found a photograph of this subject. (Stan Smith, Complete Drawing & Sketching Course, Reader's Digest, 2001)
I applied an overall wash of charcoal to work into. This time I used vine charcoal to define the darks.

Overcoat (Charcoal, 17 x 14 inches)

Today I blocked in the main shapes on the shelf and then worked back and forth pulling out the lights with an eraser and adding the darks with vine charcoal.

On the Mantel (Charcoal, 8 x 12 inches)