Monday, November 1, 2010

The Monday Group

Fifteen years ago I attended a watercolour class given by Cluny Maher  on Monday afternoons in the Anglican Church hall in Bridgetown.  After the class finished, we decided to continue meeting to paint together. The Monday Group still meets regularly.  People have come and gone from the group and there are a few of the original group who still attend. There have been long periods of time when I did not go to the Monday sessions and I am glad to be back in attendance. This is a working group. We share stories, constructive critiques and a cup to tea but mostly we are there to paint. If you can't find a group to join, start one. It is terrific to have the support and inspiration of other artists.

On my way home, I took some photos of the wonderful fall colours still in abundance and gave thanks for the members, past and present, of the Monday Group.

Along the road - Primary colours

In my garden - Shape and Colour

Colour and texture